29 oct 2014


It’s Halloween time!  Ready for a TRAUMatic experience?

This month, my ESO students have had the opportunity to watch  the short film Traum, directed by and starring Ross Pirsig and Francisco Reyes. Traum, a German word  for “dream”, is about a scary nightmare in which a zombie-like being appears when you least expect it. This creature gives the audience the scare of their lives twice in the film.

Some groups of students were filmed while watching it and most of their reactions were to be expected. They were also asked to write down their personal opinions on the  short film which I sent to Ross Pirsig via e-mail. They are really lucky as he is going to write back to them soon. Looking forward to receiving your comments, let’s see if they help us to recover from that post TRAUMatic experience ,
                   Ross Pirsig, film director and main actor in Traum


1st ESO students  From now on they won't want to turn off the lights at bedtime
        2nd ESO students " Ahhhhhhhhh!  Don't open that door! "   

 3rd ESO students "Come on! Shoot it!"

Students reactions to Traum

Ross sent us this video telling us about some our students opinions about his short film Traum. As you can seen some of them were really TRAUMatic! Thanks for sharing this with us.

6 jun 2014


Practise the following exercises to review  the contents of the final English test. Come on!  This is your last week and you have to try and do your best. In two weeks' time you'll be relaxing on the beach and all this will  just be a vague memory.

Practica estos ejercicios para repasar los contenidos del examen global. ¡Ánimo! Esta es tu última semana de estudiar y tienes que ir a tope. Dentro de dos semanas estarás en la playa y esto solo será un vago recuerdo.


-PRESENT TENSES : Present simple vs Present continuous

  Exercise 1  Exercise 2  Exercise 3 Exercise 4 (Tests)


 Exercise 1  Exercise 2  Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5 (Song) Exercise 6 Exercise 7


   Exercise 1  Exercise 2 (Contrat Past simple) Exercise 3  Exercise 4

2 jun 2014


Well, I've got open eyes                                                                                                    
And an open door
But I don't know what I'm searching for
I should know by now
Well, I have a big old heart
This I know for sure
But I don't know what my love is for
I should know by now
Well, I'll wait in line
So I can wait some more
Till I can't remember what I came here for
But I can't leave now
Because I have a light that shines
And a love so pure
But I don't know what to use them for
I should know by now
Well, I spent my money
I lost my friends
I broke my mobile phone
3 a.m. and I'm drunk as hell
And I'm dancing on my own
Taxi cabs ain't stopping
And I don't know my way home
Well, it's hard to find a reason
When all you have is doubts
Hard to see inside yourself 
When you can't see your way out
Hard to find an answer
When the question won't come out
Everyone is filling me up with noise
I don't know what they're talking about
Everyone is filling me up with noise
I don't know what they're talking about
Everyone is filling me up with noise
I don't know what they're talking about
You see, all I need is a whisper 
In a world that only shouts

Bien, tengo los ojos abiertos,
y una puerta abierta,
pero no sé qué es lo que estoy buscando.
A estas alturas, ya debería de saberlo.
Bien, tengo un corazón grande y viejo,
de esto estoy seguro,
pero no sé para qué sirve mi amor.
A estas alturas, ya debería de saberlo.
Bien, esperaré en cola,
así, puedo esperar un poco más,
hasta que no pueda recordar a qué vine aquí,
pero ahora no me puedo marchar,
porque tengo una luz que brilla,
y un amor tan puro,
pero no sé para qué usarlos.
A estas alturas, ya debería de saberlo.
Bueno, gasté mi dinero,
perdí a mis amigos,
rompí mi teléfono móvil,
3 de la mañana, borracho perdido,
y bailando solo,
los taxis no paran
y no sé cuál es el camino a mi casa.
Bien, es difícil encontrar la razón
cuando todo lo que tienes son dudas,
es complicado ver dentro de uno mismo
cuando no puedes ver la salida.
Difícil encontrar la respuesta,
cuando la pregunta no sale.
Todo el mundo está llenándome con ruido,
no sé de qué están hablando.
Todo el mundo está llenándome con ruido,
no sé de qué están hablando.
Todo el mundo está llenándome con ruido,
no sé de qué están hablando.
verás, todo lo que necesito es un susurro,
en un mundo que no hace más que gritar.

I like the lyrics, well chosen my dear students.

These boots are made for walkin'

"These Boots Are Made for Walkin'" is a pop song musically composed by Lee Hazlewood and first written and recorded by Nancy Sinatra. It was released in February 1966 and hit #1 in the United States and United Kingdom Pop charts. Subsequently, many cover versions of the song have been released in a range of styles: metal, pop, rock, punk rock, country, dance, and industrial.

You keep saying you got something for me
Something you call love but confess
You've been a'messin' where you shouldn't 've been a'messin'
And now someone else is getting all your best
Well, these boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
You keep lyin' when you oughta be truthin'
You keep losing when you oughta not bet
You keep samin' when you oughta be a'changin'
What's right is right but you ain't been right yet
These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
You keep playing where you shouldn't be playing
And you keep thinking that you'll never get burnt,hah
Well, I've just found me a brand new box of matches, yeah
And what he knows you ain't have time to learn
These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
Are you ready, boots?
Start walkin'

After listening to the song, how do you think the singer feels? 


                   ADVERBS OF MANNER - EXERCISE

Click on these links to practise                     Adverbs of manner


Practice for your test

20 may 2014


1. Estar a cursar 3.º da ESO nun centro educativo sostido con fondos públicos do Concello de Vigo durante o curso académico 2013/2014.
2. Ter aprobadas todas as materias de 2.º de ESO.
3. Ter obtido como mínimo unha nota de 7 na materia de Lingua inglesa nas cualificacións finais de 2.º de ESO.
4. Estar empadroado no Concello de Vigo, con vixencia mínima dende o 01/01/2014,dato que será comprobado de oficio pola propia administración.
5. Non ter concedida, no ano 2014, outra axuda coa mesma finalidade.
6. Ter DNI/NIE, permiso de residencia ou pasaporte en vigor cunha vixencia mínima de 6 meses.
O prazo para a presentación das solicitudes será do 26 de maio ao 06 de xuño, ambos inclusive. A resolución provisional da convocatoria publicarase a máis tardar o 27 de xuño.

Os alumnos e alumnas que desexen optar a participar no Programa de Inmersión en Lingua Inglesa poderán recoller o modelo de solicitude (Anexo I) e demais formularios (Anexos II ao V) no Servizo de Educación do Concello de Vigo, sito na Praza do Rei s/n, pranta 11ª, ou ben descargalos da páxina web http://www.vigoeningles.org.

Máis información: http://www.vigoeningles.org

23 abr 2014

30 ene 2014


John Lennon will be known for the many things that he did with the Beatles, but something that he will also be remembered for is his ideas about peace. 
 He taught us to stand up for what we believe in and dream big. He protested for peace, and many people listened. This is why John Lennon will be remembered as a peace activist. His legendary ideas will be remembered forever as long as we all shall live.

Click on the links  and enjoy two of his anti- war songs : "Imagine" and "Give Peace a Chance".




COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVES http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-2136.php